Blog posts

How Can I Maximize My Hurricane Property Damage Claim?

Hurricane season is here.  There’s an easy and simple step you can take today to help maximize any future hurricane property damage claims.  954-320-0100 Contact us Take pictures and videos of your home inside and out. Remember to focus on your roof. reports that more than 90% of homes damaged in a hurricane sustain … Read more

In Florida, we’re just a peninsula waiting to get hit by the next Hurricane.

Conditions in the Atlantic Ocean are primed for an intense hurricane season. El Niño is giving way to La Niña and water temperatures are warmer than average in the Atlantic. Together these conditions create an environment for tropical systems to thrive in. NOAA predicts up to 25 named storms could form in the Atlantic during … Read more

South Florida bracing for days of heavy rainfall prompting state of emergency declaration.

South Florida bracing for days of heavy rainfall prompting state of emergency declaration.  In response to severe weather conditions, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis declares a state of emergency while residents are grappling with significant flooding. Residents still remember last year’s flood that occurred in April 2023 that severely affected Fort Lauderdale and they’re expressing their … Read more

What is a common reason for a hurricane damage claim to be filed late?

Wind uplift damage can result in “hidden” damage, which often results in late hurricane claim submissions.  Filing late, past the window to file, is a quick way to get your claim denied. A real scenario that often results in submissions being filed late or close to the filing deadline is wind uplift damage.   Wind uplift … Read more

Upcoming Changes for Citizens Insurance Policyholders

The Florida legislature created Citizens Property Insurance Corporation (“Citizens”) in August of 2002 to provide property insurance for Florida property owners who cannot find coverage from a private carrier. Although established as a last resort, Citizens is currently the largest private insurer in the state. This is partly due to other private companies raising their … Read more