What to Do After Your Insurance Company Sends You a Claim Denial Letter or Underpayment Offer

A Property Damage Attorney can help you even after your insurance company sends you a claim denial letter or an underpayment offer. You can request for the insurance company to reinspect your property to see if they missed damage the first time it was inspected, but expecting the insurance company to honor your valid claim after they denied it or offered you pennies on the dollar may result in more time wasted. 

Attorney Matt Gelber has earned a reputation for delivering high payouts for his clients. Contact his office today for a free claim review. Call us today at 954-320-0100 or click here to message online.

What to Do After Your Insurance Company Sends You a Claim Denial Letter or Underpayment Offer

Receiving a denial letter or an underpayment offer from your insurance company after a hurricane can be devasting.  Afterall, you’ve paid for insurance this whole time and you know your property damage claim is valid.  Yet, your insurance company is not holding up their end of the deal.

Gelber Law Group’s compassionate legal team is ready to aggressively fight for you. 

Securing the compensation you truly deserve is not always easy to do on your own. Insurance companies would rather speak with a homeowner than with an attorney. When an attorney gets involved, any loophole or underpayment tactics used by the insurance company will be thoroughly looked at.  Your attorney’s goal will be to create a formidable legal strategy to fight the insurance company and help get you a high payout for your claim. 

What Is My Hurricane Claim Worth?

Understanding the value of your hurricane damage claim is an important first step.

Generally, your claim’s worth should encompass the total cost required to repair or replace the damaged property to its pre-loss condition. 

However, various factors influence this valuation, such as the extent of the damage, the coverage limits of your insurance policy, and any applicable deductibles.

Your insurance company will likely send one of their adjusters to inspect your property. These insurance adjusters are often caught underestimating the actual repair or replacement costs of homeowners damage claims resulting in an inaccurate estimate that can lead to you having to cover the difference out of your pocket.

A common issue occurs when an insurance adjuster undervalues repair or replacement costs, leading to an inaccurate claim estimate that can result in an underpayment offer from the insurance company. When this occurs, the difference between what the insurance company pays you – if they pay you at all – and what the actual costs are may have to come out of the homeowner’s pocket.  

What can you do to avoid falling victim to this common underpayment issue?

Work with a hurricane property damage claim attorney with experience fighting against insurance companies. Ask for a record of wins.  Every attorney will tell you they are good at what they do, but not every attorney works for Gelber Law Group. 

Gelber Law Group understands the process involved in analyzing these assessments to help ensure your claim is accurate, so we know how much compensation to fight for. 

Our experienced legal team will review your policy and damage assessments to advocate for a claim amount that truly reflects your losses.

Why Are Property Damage Claims Denied?

Some reasons that can lead to the denial of a property damage claim include:

  • Coverage Issues: Sometimes, specific types of damage may not be covered under your policy.
  • Pre-existing Damage: Insurers often deny claims if they believe the damage was present before the covered event.
  • Insufficient Proof: Lack of adequate documentation or failure to provide convincing proof of damage can also lead to claim denial.
  • Late submission: Failing to file your claim on time can quickly result in a claim denial. 

Attorney Matt Gelber and his legal team understand a claim denial can be overwhelming and cause hardship. Our legal team is proficient in handling these types of cases, striving to meticulously piece together all the evidence needed for your claim and present a counterargument to the insurance company. Most cases settle outside of a courtroom, but if we have to take your case to court, we will fiercely represent you the entire time. 

Can a Lawyer Help Me File My Claim, or Do I Have to Start the Process on My Own?

Starting the claim process alone is not the route we recommend. In fact, at Gelber Law Group, we prefer if you come to us from the beginning. A property damage attorney can help at any stage of the claim process – we can even get the process started for you. 

Whether you’re just starting to file a claim or you’ve already received a denial or underpayment offer, our lawyers are ready to take your case and fight for you.

It all starts with a free claim review to better understand what your hurricane damage claim is worth.

Initial Free Claim Review: Starting with a no-obligation consultation, our property damage lawyers will review your claim and advise you on the best course of action. This initial review is crucial for setting the groundwork for your claim strategy.

Comprehensive Legal Assistance: We handle all aspects of your claim process. From filing the initial paperwork to negotiating with your insurance company, our team is equipped to manage every step. If negotiations stall or the insurance company remains firm on its decision, we are prepared to take legal action on your behalf. Our goal is to avoid a lengthy trial, but if your insurance company remains firm on their decision to wrong you, then we will deploy our legal team to fight them in court. 

Call us today at 954-320-0100 or click here to message online.

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