Hurricane Property Damage AttorneyHurricane Property Damage Claims

In Florida, we’re just a peninsula waiting to get hit by the next Hurricane.

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Conditions in the Atlantic Ocean are primed for an intense hurricane season. El Niño is giving way to La Niña and water temperatures are warmer than average in the Atlantic. Together these conditions create an environment for tropical systems to thrive in.

In Florida, we're just a peninsula waiting to get hit by the next Hurricane.

NOAA predicts up to 25 named storms could form in the Atlantic during the 2024 Hurricane Season, making this their most aggressive forecast to date. 

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has released its forecast, and it’s the most aggressive one to date!

NOAA’s predictions for the 2024 hurricane season are:

  • Up to 25 total named storms 
  • 8-13 hurricanes 
  • 4-7 major hurricanes with winds of 115 MPH+

Follow Gelber Law Group’s 3 Hurricane P’sProper Preparation Pays!

Preparing for a hurricane is more than just a precaution; it’s a necessary step every homeowner should take, especially in light of the enhanced risk this season.

Preparation is key for any hurricane season. 

By now, we have all heard we need to have a stock of essential supplies and medicine to last 14 days or more.  What we don’t often hear is what we need to do to be ready to file a claim – should our home get damaged by a hurricane.

The fact is, you have homeowners insurance to get paid in the event you have a valid claim. One factor for a claim to be valid is the cause of damage must be named as a covered event in your policy. Another factor is filing the damage claim promptly

Hurricane Season 2024 is NOAA's most aggressive forecast to date

Florida homeowners often overlook this one simple tip that can save them thousands. 

If your home is damaged in a hurricane, odds are that damage is to your roof. Roof damage is the #1 damage reported by homeowners after a hurricane. 

Take pictures and videos of your roof at the start of hurricane season and, if possible, before each hurricane if your home is struck by more than one named storm. 

Pictures and videos of your roof before a named storm strikes is evidence that should be submitted with your damage claim. In the event your claim is denied, or the insurance company offers to underpay you for your claim, then a hurricane property damage attorney can take those pictures and videos and create a powerful argument to use against your insurance company to help you recover the compensation you are owed for your valid claim. 

Homeowners in Florida have one year to file a claim if their home is damaged by a hurricane.  

Changes to Florida’s laws in 2022 pertaining to hurricanes reduced the window to file from two years down to a single year.  

So if your home is damaged by a hurricane, remember you only have one year to file. Get your home inspected even if you do not believe your home was damaged.  

Not all types of damage are easily seen without specialized equipment. Getting your home inspected removes all doubt from your mind and keeps your financial interests secured. If damage is found in your home after your inspection, you’ll be able to file on time. 

For help with all matters pertaining to hurricane and property damage claims, contact the attorneys at Gelber Law Group.

We know how to deliver results because we know the law. Contact our legal team today.  Call us today at 954-320-0100 or click here to message us online. 

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